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**Alvarez, M.#, **M.H. Robertson#, T. van Gurp, C.A.M. Wagemaker, D. Giraurd, M.L. Ainouche, A. Salmon, K.J.F. Verhoeven & C.L. Richards. In revision. Reduced representation characterization of genetic and epigenetic differentiation to oil pollution in the foundation plant Spartina alterniflora. On: bioRxiv 426569; doi: #shared first authorship.
**Robertson, M.H.#, **M. Alvarez#, T. van Gurp, C.A.M. Wagemaker, F. Yu, D. Moraga Amador, W.G. Farmerie, K.J.F. Verhoeven & C.L. Richards. In revision. Genetic and epigenetic differentiation associated with habitat in Reynoutria (aka Fallopia). On: bioRxiv 317966 #shared first authorship.
Cao, P., Z.-Y. Liao, L. Zhang, S. Wang, J. Bi, Y. ZhaoY, M. Parepa, T. Lin,. Guo, O. Bossdorf, C.L. Richards, S.B. Endriss, J. Wu, R. Ju, B. Li. In press. Cross-continental variation of herbivore resistance in a global plant invader. Ecography.
Garces, K.R., Hanley, R.J. Deckert, A. Noble, C.L. Richards, C.A. Gehring & A.R. Hughes. 2025. Bacterial and fungal root endophytes alter survival, growth, and resistance to grazing in a foundation plant species. Oecologia 207, 9 (2025).
*Hanley,T.C., C.A. Gehring, R.J. Deckert, B. Mortazavi, C.L. Richards & A.R. Hughes. In press. Intraspecific variation in plant-fungal interactions across tidal elevation in a salt marsh. New Phytologist.
*Irimia, R.E.#, W. Zhao#, P. Cao#, M. Parepa#, Z. Liao#, S. Wang, J.M. Mounger**, C. Richardson***, F. Elkott***, X. Zhuang, J. Bi, Y. Zhao, E. Kuglar, J. Rafalski, E. Schloter, J. Wu, R.-T. Ju, J. Yang, Z. Chumová, P. Trávníček, B. Li##, O. Bossdorf##, C.L. Richards## 2025. Cross-continental shifts of ecological strategy in a global plant invader. Global Ecology and Biogeography 34:e70001 #shared first author, ##shared correspondence
** Walling, L., M.H. Gamache, R.A. González-Pech, V.J. Harwood, A. Ibrahim-Hashim, K. Rasheed, J.H. Jung, D.B. Lewis, M.J. Margres, R. McMinds., F. Reis, *I. Van-Riemsdijk, D. Santiago-Alarcon, C. Sarmiento, C.J. Whelan, P.-C. Zalamea, J.E. Parkinson, & C.L. Richards. In press. Incorporating microbiome analyses can enhance conservation outcomes. Science of the Total Environment
Wang, S., Z.-Y.Liao, P. Cao, Schmid, M. W., Zhang, L., J. Bi, S.B. Endriss, Y. Zhao, M. Parepa, W. Hu, H. Akamine, J. Wu, R.-T. Ju,, O. Bossdorf, C.L. Richards, B. Li. (2025). General purpose genotypes and evolution of higher plasticity in clonality underlie knotweed invasion. New Phytologist 246, issue 2,
Bi, J., O. Bossdorf, Z. Liao, C.L. Richards, M. Parepa, Zhao, F. Berninger, Y. Zhao, X. Feng, R. Ju, B. Li and J. Wu. 2024. Divergent geographic variation in above- versus belowground secondary metabolites of Reynoutria japonica in China. J Ecology 112: 414-527
García-Seoane, R., C.L. Richards, J.R. Aboal, J.Á. Fernández, M.W. Schmid, M.T. Boquete. 2024. A field study of the molecular response of brown macroalgae to heavy metal exposure: an (epi)genetic approach. Journal of Hazardous Materials 480: 136304
Jiang, J.-J., Y.-J. Zhao, Y.-L. Guo, L. Gao, C.L. Richards, E. Siemann, J. Wu, B. Li, R.-T. Ju. 2024. Restoration of native saltmarshes can reverse arthropod assemblages and trophic interactions changed by a plant invasion. Ecological Applications. 34:e2740
Liu, L., Y. Guo, Y.-Z. Zhang, Y. Wu, M. Yini, X. Guo, F. Eller, C.L. Richards, H. Brix, R.-T. Ju & W. Guo. 2024. Revealing biogeographic patterns in genetic diversity of native and invasive plants and their association with soil community diversity in the Chinese coast. Oikos 10.1111/oik.10116
Yuan, W., M. Pigliucci & C.L. Richards. 2024. Rapid phenotypic differentiation in Japanese knotweed s.l. invading novel habitat. Scientific Reports.
Zhang, L., *I. van Riemsdijk, M. Liu, Z. Liao, A. Cavé-Radet, J. Bi, S. Wang, Y. Zhao, P. Cao, M. Parepa, O. Bossdorf, A. Salmon, M. Aïnouche, R.-T. Ju, J. Wu, C.L. Richards, B. Li. 2024. Using evolutionary history to predict the future distribution of a global plant invader. Global Change Biology.
Zhao, Y., S. Wang, Z.-Y. Liao, M. Parepa, L. Zhang, P. Cao, J. Bi, Y. Guo, O. Bossdorf, C.L. Richards, J.-H. Wu, B. Li, R.-T. Ju. 2024. Geographic variation in leaf traits and palatability of a native plant invader during domestic expansion. Ecology.
Boquete, M.T., S.M. McNew & C.L. Richards. 2023. Applied epigenomics in a rapidly changing world. In: Applied Environmental Genomics eds. Simon Jarman, Clare Holleley, Oliver Berry. CSIRO Publishing, Australia.
Guo, Y., Y. Zhang, J. Wu, C.L. Richards, O. Bossdorf, B. Li, & R.-T. Juuo, Y-L. 2023. Geographic variation of litter chemistry and palatability in an invasive plant versus its native competitor. Journal of Biogeography 50: 1139–1150.
Jiang, J.-J., Y.-J. Zhao, Y.-L. Guo, L. Gao, C.L. Richards, E. Siemann, J. Wu, B. Li, R.-T. Ju. 2023. A mega-restoration project reverses arthropod diversity and interactions changed by the saltmarsh cordgrass invasion. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America.
Sheridan, N.E., S. Seyoum, W.C. Sharp, B.M. Titus, M. Daly, C.L. Richards & A.W. Schrey. 2023. Conservation genomics of an exploited, popular aquarium trade species: the giant Caribbean sea anemone Condylactis gigantea (Anthozoa: Actiniidae). Conservation Genetics 24:435–447.
Asatryan, G., D. Lazarus, M. Harbott, S. Todorovic, J.O. Kaplan, C.E. Lee, C. Parmesan, J. Renaudie, H. Thomas, H.C. Wu & C.L. Richards. 2022. How do organisms affect and respond to climate change? Frontiers for Young Minds. 10:703195. doi: 10.3389/frym.2022.703195.
*Boquete M.T., M.W. Schmid, N.C.A.M. Wagemaker, S.B. Carey, S.F. McDaniel, C.L. Richards & C. Alonso. 2022. Heavy metal tolerance in Scopelophila cataractae: Transcriptomic and epigenetic datasets. 10.1016/j.dib.2022.108710
*Boquete, M.T., M.W. Schmid, C.A.M. Wagemaker, S.B. Carey, S.F. McDaniel, C.L. Richards, C. Alonso. 2022. Molecular basis of intraspecific differentiation for heavy metal tolerance in the copper moss Scopelophila cataractae. Environmental and Experimental Botany 201: 104970
**Mounger, J., *I. van Riemsdijk, *M.T. Boquete, C.A.M. Wagemaker, S. Fatma, **M.H. Robertson, **S.A. Voors, J. Oberstaller, F. Gawehns, *T.C. Hanley, I. Gross, K.J.F. Verhoeven, E.E. Sotka, C.A. Gehring, A.R. Hughes, D.B. Lewis, M.W. Schmid & C.L. Richards. 2022. Genetic and epigenetic differentiation across intertidal gradients in the foundation plant Spartina alterniflora. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2022.868826
*Boquete M.T., I. Lang, M. Weidinger, C.L. Richards & C. Alonso. 2021. Heavy metal accumulation and tolerance in two terrestrial moss species with contrasting habitat specialization. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 182 (2021): 104336.
Guo, J., C.L. Richards, K.E. Holsinger, G.A. Fox, Z. Zhang & J.C. Zhao. In press. Genetic structure in patchy populations of a foundation plant: A case study of Leymus chinensis (Poaceae) using genetic and clonal diversity. American Journal of Botany.
**Ibrahim-Hashim, A., K.A. Luddy, D. Abrahams, P.M. Enriquez-Navas, S. Damgaci, J. Yao, T. Chen, R.J. Gilles, C. O’Farrelly, C.L. Richards, J.S. Brown & R.A. Gatenby. 2021. Artificial selection for host resistance to tumor growth and subsequent cancer cell adaptations: an evolutionary arms race. British Journal of Cancer. 124: 455-465. doi: 10.1038/s41416-020-01110-1
Jung, J., F. Reis, C.L. Richards & O. Bossdorf. In press. Understanding plant microbiomes requires a G x E framework. American Journal of Botany. 108 (10): 1820-1823.
Lewis, D.B., K.L. Jimenez, A. Abd-Elrahman, M.G. Andreu, R.J. Northrop, C. Campbell, H. Flower, M.C. Rains & C.L. Richards. 2021. Total and mobile fractions of carbon and nitrogen in surface soils across a mangrove salt marsh ecotone. Science of the Total Environment 798: 149328.
McNew, S.M., M.T. Boquete, S.A.E. Espinoza-Ulloa, J.A. Andres, N.C.A.M. Wagemaker, S.A. Knutie, C.L. Richards & D.H. Clayton. 2021. Epigenetic effects of parasites and pesticides on captive and wild nestling birds. Ecology and Evolution. 00: 1–17.
**Mounger, J., M.L. Ainouche, O. Bossdorf, *A. Cavé-Radet, B. Li, *M. Parepa, A. Salmon, J. Yang & C.L. Richards. 2021. Epigenetics and the success of invasive species: Rapid adaptation in new environments. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 376: 20200117. doi: 10.1098/rstb.2020.0117.
**Mounger, J.#, *M.T. Boquete#, M. Schmid#, R. Granado, M.H. Robertson, S.A. Voors, K.L. Langanke, M.F. Alvarez, C.A.M. Wagemaker, A.W. Schrey, G.A. Fox, D.B. Lewis, C.F. Lira & C.L. Richards. In press. Inheritance of methylation differences in the mangrove Rhizophora mangle. Evolution & Development. 23: 351-374. DOI: 10.1111/ede.12388 #shared first authorship.
Neinavaie, F., **A. Ibrahim-Hashim, A.M. Kramer, J.S. Brown & C.L. Richards. 2021. The genomic processes of biological invasions: from invasive species to cancer metastases and back again. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2021.681100
Pressley, M., M. Salvioli, D.B. Lewis, C.L. Richards, J.S. Brown & K. Staňková. 2021. Evolutionary dynamics of treatment induced resistance in cancer informs understanding of rapid evolution in natural systems. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, section Models in Ecology and Evolution. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2021.681121
Richards, C.L., **K.L. Langanke, G.A. Fox & J.B. Lewis. 2021. Response to nitrogen and salinity in Rhizophora mangle propagules varies by maternal family and population of origin. Frontiers in Marine Science. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2021.756683
Zerebecki, R.A., E.E. Sotka, *T.C. Hanley, K.L. Bell, C. Gehring, C.C. Nice, C.L. Richards & A.R. Hughes. 2021. Repeated microgeographic genetic and trait divergence in a coastal foundation plant species. The American Naturalist. 198 (5), E152-E169 doi/10.1086/716512
*Boquete, M.T., N.C.A.M. Wagemaker, P. Vergeer, **J. Mounger & C.L. Richards. 2020. Epigenetic approaches in non-model plants. Methods in Molecular Biology. Pp. 203-215.
Chen, C., Z. Zheng, Y. Bao, H. Zhang, C.L. Richards, J. Li, Y. Chen, Y. Zhao, Z. Shen & C. Fu. 2020. Comparisons of natural and cultivated populations of Corydalis yanhusuo indicate divergent patterns of genetic and epigenetic variation. Frontiers in Plant Science 11:985-987. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2020.00985.
Richards, C.L. & M. Pigliucci. 2020. Epigenetic Inheritance. A Decade into the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis. Paradigmi. 38: 463-494. DOI: 10.30460/99624
Sun, K.-K., W.-S. Yu, J.J. Jiang, C.L. Richards, E. Siemann, J. Ma, B. Li, & R.-T. Ju. 2020. Mismatches between the resources for adult herbivores and their offspring suggest invasive Spartina alterniflora is an ecological trap. Journal of Ecology 108(2): 719-732.
Paun, O., K.J.F. Verhoeven, C.L. Richards. 2019. Opportunities and limitations of reduced representation bisulfite sequencing in ecological epigenomics. New Phytologist 221: 738-742
**Alvarez, M, J. Ferreira de Carvalho, A. Salmon, M. L. Ainouche, A. Cavé‐Radet, A. El Amrani, T. E. Foster, S. Moyer & C.L. Richards. 2018. Transcriptome response of the foundation plant Spartina alterniflora to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Molecular Ecology 27:2986–3000. DOI: 10.1111/mec.14736
Banta, J.B. & C.L. Richards. 2018. Quantitative epigenetics and evolution. Heredity 121: 210–224
Heer, K., **J. Mounger, *M.T. Boquete, C.L. Richards & L. Opgenoorth. 2018. The diversifying field of plant epigenetics. New Phytologist. 217: 988–992.
Richards, C.L., C. Alonso, C. Becker, O. Bossdorf, E. Bucher, M. Colomé-Tatché, W. Durka, J. Engelhardt, B. Gaspar, A. Gogol-Döring, I. Grosse, T.P. van Gurp, K. Heer, I. Kronholm, C. Lampei, V. Latzel, M. Mirouze, L. Opgenoorth, O. Paun, S.J. Prohaska, S.A. Rensing, P.F. Stadler, E. Trucchi, K. Ullrich & K.J.F. Verhoeven. 2017. Ecological plant epigenetics: Evidence from model and non-model species, and the way forward. Ecology Letters 20: 1576–1590 DOI: 10.1111/ele.12858
**Robertson, M.H., *A.W Schrey, ***A. Shayter, ***C.J. Moss & C.L. Richards. 2017. Genetic and epigenetic variation in Spartina alterniflora following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Special issue in Evolutionary Applications: Evolutionary Toxicology 10: 792–801 DOI: 10.1111/eva.12482
**Alvarez, M.#, **C.M. Foust#, **M.H. Robertson#, M.L. Ainouche, J. Ferreira de Carvalho, ***C.J. Meals, V. Preite, A. Salmon, ***A. Shayter, *A.W Schrey, K.J.F. Verhoeven & C.L. Richards. 2016. Molecular response to challenging environmental conditions in Spartina alterniflora: an integrated approach. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Invasive Spartina. Université de Rennes 1 Press, Rennes, France. pp. 59-64. #shared first authorship.
Foust, C.M., V. Preite, A.W. Schrey, M. Alvarez, M.H. Robertson, K.J.F. Verhoeven & C.L. Richards. 2016. Genetic and epigenetic differences associated with environmental gradients in replicate populations of two salt marsh perennials. Molecular Ecology 25: 1639–1652.
*Alvarez, M., *C.M. Foust, *M.H. Robertson, M. Ainouche, J. Ferreira de Carvalho, C.J. Meals, V. Preite, A. Salmon, A. Shayter, A.W Schrey, K.J.F. Verhoeven & C.L. Richards. In press. Molecular response to challenging environmental conditions in Spartina alterniflora: an integrated approach. Proceedings of the International Conference on Invasive Spartina. Rennes, France. * shared first author
Alvarez, M., A.W. Schrey & C.L. Richards. 2015. Ten years of transcriptomics in wild populations: what have we learned about their ecology and evolution? Molecular Ecology 24: 710-725.
Foust, C.M., A.W. Schrey & C.L. Richards. 2015. Population epigenetics. In: Nuclear Functions in Plant Transcription, Signaling and Development. Jin, H. & O. Pontes, eds. Wiley-Blackwell John Wiley & Sons.
Nicotra, A.B., D. Segal, G.L. Hoyle, A.W. Schrey, K.J.F. Verhoeven & C.L. Richards. 2015. Adaptive plasticity in response to warming in an Australian alpine herb. Ecology and Evolution 5: 634-647.
Robertson, M.H. & C.L. Richards. 2015. Opportunities and challenges of Next Generation Sequencing applications in ecological epigenetics. Molecular Ecology 24: 3799-3801.
Robertson, M.H. & C.L Richards. 2015. Non-genetic inheritance in evolutionary theory - the importance of plant studies. Non-Genetic Inheritance 2: 3-11.
Schrey, A.W., H.J. Kilvitis, J.A. Banta & C.L. Richards. 2015. The role of ecological epigenetics in integrative biology. In: Integrative Organismal Biology. Martin, Ghalambor, Woods eds. Springer.
Kilvitis, H.J., M. Alvarez, C. Foust, A.W. Schrey, M.H. Robertson & C.L. Richards. 2014. Ecological epigenetics. In: Ecological Genomics. Landry, C.R. & N. Aubin-Horth eds. Springer. Series: Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 781: 191-210.
Schrey, A.W., A.L. Liebl, C.L. Richards & L.B. Martin. 2014. Genetic evidence for human-facilitation of range expansion in Kenyan house sparrows (Passer domesticus). Journal of Heredity 105: 60-69.
Ledon- Rettig, C., C.L. Richards & L.B. Martin. 2013. Epigenetics for behavioral ecologists. Behavioral Ecology 24: 311-324.
Ledon- Rettig, C., C.L. Richards & L.B. Martin. 2013. A place for behavior in ecological epigenetics. Behavioral Ecology 24: 329-330.
Liebl, A.L., A.W. Schrey, C.L. Richards & L.B. Martin. 2013. Patterns of DNA methylation throughout a range expansion of an introduced songbird. Integrative and Comparative Biology 53: 351-358.
Schrey, A.W., M. Alvarez, C. Foust, H.J. Kilvitis, J.D. Lee, A.L. Liebl, L.B. Martin, C.L. Richards & M.H. Robertson. 2013. Ecological Epigenetics: Beyond MS-AFLP. Integrative and Comparative Biology 53: 340-350.
Drenovsky*, R.E., B.J. Grewell*, C.M. D’Antonio, J.L. Funk, J.J. James, N. Molinari, I.M. Parker & C.L. Richards. 2012. A functional trait perspective on plant invasion: invasiveness to impacts in a changing world. Annals of Botany 110(1): 141-153 doi: 10.1093/aob/mcs100. *shared first authorship.
Richards*, C.L., U. Rosas*, J.A. Banta, N. Bhambra & M.D. Purugganan. 2012. Genome-wide patterns of Arabidopsis gene expression in nature. PLoS Genetics 8(4): e1002662. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1002662. *shared first authorship.
Richards, C.L., A.W. Schrey & M. Pigliucci. 2012. Invasion of diverse habitats by few Japanese knotweed genotypes is correlated with high epigenetic differentiation. Ecology Letters 15: 1016-1025. Recommended to Faculty of 1000 by Elena Alvarez-Buylla, Eugenio Azpeitia, Mariana Benítez, Dec 2012.