2025 FEATURING Dr. Fathi Karouia

2/6/2025 Darwin Day seminar on youtube here: https://youtu.be/4iKHyL5GdW4

2/7/2025 High school students workshops on USF campus run by graduate students and faculty

2/8 Teacher workshop at USF College of Education

The HMS Beagle by Dorothy Alison Gottschamer, Age 9

The HMS Beagle

by Dorothy Alison Gottschamer, Age 9


1) 2/9 High school students workshops at USF run by graduate students and faculty

2) 2/15 12:30 pm: Adapting to adversity: Exploring cancer in the animal kingdom

3) 2/16 Teachers workshop at USF College of Education

2023 FEATURING Dr. Harmony Martell

1) 2/9 12:30 pm: What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger: The future of coral reeds and the humans they support

2) 2/10 Hillsborough County (HCPS) High school students workshops at USF

3) 2/11 HCPS Teachers workshop at the Florida Aquarium

2022 FEATURING Dr. Nick Matzke

1) 2/10 12:30 pm (by Teams): Kitzmiller vs. Dover and the present past and future of anti-evolutionism.

2) all other events cancelled due to COVID

2021 FEATURING Professor Lorena Madrigal

1) 2/11 12:30 pm (by Teams): Human genetic diversity from an evolutionary perspective

2) blog for Frontiers for Young Minds “Celebrating the Importance of Evolution” https://blog.frontiersin.org/2021/02/12/children-in-science-celebrating-the-importance-of-evolution/

3) all other events cancelled due to COVID

2020 FEATURING Professor Mary Power

1) 2/13 12:30 pm: Chasing Epithemia- the desired diatom- from photons to food webs.
2) 2/14 Hillsborough County (HCPS) High school students workshops at USF and Moffitt Cancer Center
3) 2/14 3-8 pm: Evolution Working Group mini-symposium with Dr. Karyna Rosario (USF College of Marine Science), Dr. John Parkinson (USF IB), Dr. Camilo Zalamea (USF IB).
4) 2/15 HCPS Teachers workshop at Museum of Science and Industry (MOSI)

2019 FEATURING Professor Nancy Huntly

1) 2/14 12:30 pm: Fins, limbs and the evolutionary leap from water to land.
2) 2/15 Hillsborough County (HCPS) High school students workshops at USF
3) 2/15 3-8 pm: Evolution Working Group mini-symposium with Dr. Chris Whelan (Moffitt Cancer Center), USF Prof. Chip Stanish (Anthropology, Exec Director of Institute for the Advanced Study of Culture and the Environment), and others
4) 2/16 HCPS Teachers workshop at Museum of Science and Industry (MOSI)


1) 2/15 3:30 pm: Fins, limbs and the evolutionary leap from water to land.
2) 2/16 Hillsborough County (HCPS) High school students workshops at USF
3) 2/16 4-8 pm: Evolution Working Group mini-symposium with USF Prof. Alex Levine (Philosophy), Assoc prof Steve Deban (Integrative Biology) and Assistant professor Ryan Carney (Integrative BIology and CVAST)
4) 2/17 HCPS Teachers workshop at Museum of Science and Industry (MOSI)

2017 FEATURING Dr. Mandë Holford

1) 2/10 3:30 pm: Mollusks to Medicine: Discovery, characterization and delivery of venom compounds from predatory marine snails
2) 2/11 HCPS Teachers workshop at Museum of Science and Industry (MOSI)

2016 FEATURING Dr. Gillian Barker

1) 2/11 3:30 pm: Human Nature in Darwin's World
2) 2/12 3:00 pm: Geofunctions: A New Concept for Understanding Global Change
3) 2/12 Hillsborough County (HCPS) High school students workshops at USF
4) 2/14 HCPS Teachers workshop at Museum of Science and Industry (MOSI)

2015 Featuring Professor Evelyn Fox Keller

1) 2/12 3:30 pm: From Gene Action to Reactive Genomes: Implications for Evolution
2) 2/13 Hillsborough County (HCPS) High school students workshops at USF
3) 2/14 HCPS Teachers workshop at Museum of Science and Industry (MOSI) including Keller's "Darwinian Fundamentalism"

2014 Featuring Professor and Curator Kevin Padian

1) 2/13 3:30 pm IB Lecture: When is sexual selection not sexual selection? Quite often, actually...
2) 2/14 3:30 pm History & Philosophy Lecture: Richard Owen, Charles Darwin, and the shaping of Victorian Biology
3) 2/14 HCPS High school students workshops at USF
4) 2/15 HCPS Teachers workshop at College of Engineering, including Padian's "Common Misrepresentations About Evolution (And How To Resolve Them)"

2013 Featuring professor Lee Dugatkin

1) 2/14 3:30 IB Lecture: Darwin, genes and culture: mate choice in guppies and humans
2) 2/14 6 pm Public Lecture: The Evolution of Altruism: From Darwin to Today
3) 2/15 1 pm History & Philosophy Lecture: Mr. Jefferson and the Giant Moose du jour?
4) 2/15 HCPS High school students workshops at USF
5) 2/16 HCPS Teachers workshop at MOSI, including Dugatkin's "Microbial Darwinism"

2012 Featuring Dr. Eugenie Scott

1) 2/11 3:30 IB Lecture: Dr. Scott's Handy Dandy Guide to Teaching Evolution
2) 2/11 7pm Public Lecture: Florida's "critical thinking" bills: Creationism du jour?
3) 2/12 HCPS High school students workshops at USF
4) 2/13 HCPS Teachers workshop at MOSI, including Scott's "Teaching Evolution in a Climate of Controversy"

2011 Featuring professor Massimo Pigliucci

1) 2/10 3:30 IB Lecture: Toward an Extended Evolutionary Synthesis?
2) 2/11 2pm Philosophy Lecture: When Philosophers talk about evolution
3) 2/11 7pm Public Lecture at MOSI: Nonsense on Stilts: How to Tell Science from